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What You Can Do

Stay Updated

One of the most important things you can do as an active community member is to stay updated on events and decisions in Gloucester County. Each department on Gloucester County's website has an email list you can join to stay up to date on issues you are passionate about such as land use, parks and rec, environmental programs, community connection, and clean community!

Join Clean Community!

Clean Community is a program to help organize efforts for community clean ups, reducing litter, and other general environmental education in Gloucester County.


"Green" Up Your Act!

There are hundreds of easy ways to help you reduce your impact on climate change and save money too!


Citizen Science

Backyard, Family, Classroom Friendly!

Get involved in science and help collect data on hundreds of different topics from plants and animals to weather in our community! Pick a project you are comfortable with or want to learn more about and become a scientist! Once you start really noticing the natural world in our community you will get hooked!


Protect Waterfront Property

With 500 miles of coastline in Gloucester County,  a large portion of the land that neighbors the water is privately owned. Water front property owners need to do their part to both protect our county as well as their own investments in the property! VIMS's Shoreline Studies program can provide information on the best strategies to protect your home and land from erosion and sea level rise.

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